A fast-rolling, real-time new twist on everyone’s favorite game of gingerbread cookie carnage.
ROLL for your Life, Candyman!: a speed dice game of cookie combat
2 to 4 players face off in arena-style free-for-all battles, rolling their dice furiously. When a player gets all four of their dice to match, they grab the plastic candy cane at the center of the table, stopping the action and claiming a Cookie Part matching the die result from their Foe. The player at the end of three rounds who has collected the most Cookie Parts wins!
If you know the original Run for Your Life, imagine a speed dice version of a 'candy cage match' that takes just 10 minutes per match. Simple, ridiculous and full of gingerbread mayhem. Sweet!
Game Design: Andy Geremia
Illustrations: Curt Covert
Based on characters and content
from Run for your Life, Candyman!
by Curt CovertPlayers: 2-4
Ages 8 and Up
Time 10-30 min
Bookland ISBN: 978-0-9746461-2-1
Size: 8” x 5” x 2” two-piece box
4 Gingerbread puzzle-men, 16 Candy Dice
12 Special Treat tokens, Acrylic Candy Cane